Our Impact

Results at completion

  •  4 diabetes clinics established
  • 20 doctors incl. surgeons trained on foot care
  • 50 CHW trained in diabetes and foot care
  • 20,376 at-risk persons screened for diabetes
  • 10,595 diabetes patients screened for diabetes foot complications 
  • 360 awareness and screening camps conducted
  • 59,831 people sensitised on diabetes and foot care

Livelihood Program

Weaving training programme:
In order to cater to the needs of destitute, orphan, widow, deserted wife and women in distress the Society have set up training centres to provide Weaving training programme so as to enable them to be self supported and self employed.The entire efforts were organized by the Society to ensure flow of profitability on long-term basis of these women.

Training-cum- Production Centre on Mushrooms
Handloom are an important craft product and comprise the largest and comprise the largest cottage industry of the world. Presently, handloom weavers are facing severe livelihood crisis because of adverse Government policies, globalization and changing socio-economic conditions. Textile sector in India is growing and has been undergoing enormous changes within its structure, which are affecting its characteristics.

Women Empowerment Programs

Handicrafts Training-cum- Production Centre
Handicrafts in this country are an important part of our rich cultural heritage, which serve the aesthetic needs of man and provide a vehicle for his urge for self-expression. The real significance of handicrafts lies in the newness and surprise of each object. Thus to promote handicrafts based activities in rural as well as urban areas the Society has taken step in introducing a training-cum- production centre (TPC) for upgradation of skills of the existing craftsperson and also imparting skills to new craftsperson with the objective of expanding the production base of crafts especially those with high market/export demand and or reviving languishing crafts. The training programme envisages various measures to develop expand and sustain marketing of handicrafts with objective of augmenting the employment and income of craftsperson.